
Volunteer Opportunities

The International Orality Network capitalizes on the gifting, skills, and passion of its constituent members. The network has established various portfolio groups to achieve its vision. If you feel you would like to participate in one of these groups, please contact the facilitator of the portfolio initiative which interests you the most.

Executive Director & World Consultations

David Swarr  [email protected]

Special Adviser - Strategy and Collaboration

Samuel Chiang   [email protected]

Africa Coordinator

Bramuel Musya   [email protected]

Global Director/Research

Charles Madinger   [email protected]

Audio Scripture Engagement

Graydon Colville     [email protected] 

Mexico/Latin America Coordinator

Hector Tamez   [email protected]

Theological Education: Classroom Ideals& Field Implementation

Mark Overstreet   [email protected]

Conference Director

Paul Konstanski   [email protected]

Network Analytics & Connections

Rick Brekelbaum   [email protected]


Roland Moody   [email protected]

Orality By Choice

Laura Macias   [email protected]

Leaders Development

Joseph Handley   [email protected]


Jerry Wiles   j[email protected]


Linda Bemis   [email protected]

