ION Prayer & Network Prayer Partners Information

Linking in Prayer with ION Partners

Linda Bemis's photo.  Link with us at ION Prayer:




Strategic Prayer Matthew chapter 9 verses 37thru38 Prayer Strategist 101: Lead those you have influence with. . .

 ION Prayer links with many others who have a heart to pray for those who still wait to hear the name of Jesus. . .

What might it look like to be a part of the work of God as a prayer strategist?

The ION Prayer Team is looking at how to be an advocate to help others see the reality of the need for strategic prayer for Oral and Oral Bible-less People Groups and to help others to see the need. It has been said, “Every great move of God was birthed in a prayer movement.” we believe that goes directly back to the birthing of the Church with the disciples and the 120 praying in the Upper Room going into Pentecost. Now going into 2016, our teams are asking God for a greater, more effective collaborative movement of prayer. It will need to be directed at getting prayer advocate and even prayer strategists in place for each of the least reached people groups and all of us need to work alongside each other. That need continues until we get to zero people groups, who still wait to hear the name of Jesus.

We remember Luke 10:2 & John 17:20-23, we know that we are not alone in this ask. . .  Everyone needs to raise the awareness and rally the troops, so that every people group is being prayed for specifically for a gospel movement to reach into the every and all.  [Read the latest blog post:]


RESOURCES for Prayer Teams

ION Prayer Slideshow featuring praying for the UUPGs & Oral Bible-less:


Pray for Oral Learners & Oral Bible-less: Sign up to receive a prayer prompt into your inbox. You pick the frequency:



Oral Learners: Who Are They?

80% of the world do not understand the message when it is delivered to them by literate means. They can be completely illiterate, functional illiterate, visually impaired, or hearing impaired, or simply part of an oral culture. Some are highly literate but prefer to learn in an oral manner. They do not understand the literate concepts even when they hear them.  They are simply oral preference learners, there are 5.7 billion of them in the world and of that group over 1/2 of them are children! 


The Need

These 5.7 billion oral learners in the world, have a minority of resources attempting to reach them for Christ. The vast majority of our outreach work today is conducted through literate means that these oral learners do not understand. We are asking for the prayer movements across the world to unite in praying for this huge issue.

Did you know today there are:

  • 2.7 billion unreached people resulting in approximately 3,500 unengaged, unreached people groups;
  • Approximately 2 billion people without the Old Testament;
  • 1,800+ Unengaged Unreached People Groups (UUPG) consisting of 350 million people are without a single verse of the Scripture in their heart language.
  • Too few strategies and resources committed to the oral learners of the world.

The People

The remaining Unreached Unengaged People Groups are predominantly oral societies 

The Solution

Communicating the message of Christ to people in ways that make sense to them – instead of in ways that make sense to us!

The Vision

To influence the body of Christ to make disciples of all oral learners.

We believe that the foundation of discipleship is the shaping by, and obedience to, the Word of God. We believe it is the inalienable right and privilege of every person, including every oral learner, to have access to the Word of God in their own heart language and in a media format they understand.    

The Strategy

The Word of God was conveyed in oral ways before it was written down. Jesus Christ used parables in communicating truths.

Oral learners learn and remember through stories, proverbs, drama, song and chants. They have excellent memories and can produce what they have heard easily.

Stories from the Word of God can be used to make disciples, train leaders and equip workers who do not read. We now call upon the Body of Christ to make the entire Word of God available to every person who can hear.

We call upon the Church today to embrace engagement of the audio Scripture among oral learners with great urgency! We call upon the Church to engage all unengaged, unreached people groups and to place into their hands any and every available audio portion of God’s Word in their heart language. We call upon the Body of Christ to devote energies, strategies, and resources to provide access for all oral learners to engage the entire Word of God through audio-digital means, so that every tribe, every tongue, and every people group may hear, understand, and have the opportunity to respond!  


Connecting to ION Prayer individually or network to network:

Connecting to ION Prayer

We are asking you to step in together to see what God is doing and how we can come alongside each other for the sake of those who still wait… Linking in a “two way discussion/prayer format” so together, we might see an invisible, yet tangible platform from which the “need” can go forth to every prayer group across the globe to be involved in praying for the unreached.  We are just thinking out loud! And persistently prevailing to the Lord for such a venue.

We are looking for others who are willing to collaborate, to see the reality of prayer come forth to bring an understanding of current LOSTNESS around the globe. Both in your individual region and nation, and also in other “ends of the earth” areas. We are also asking for a larger network of prayer leaders who can come together to see what is it going to take to get to ZERO, and who want to help others to put a larger priority on prayer.

It is estimated that of the 6.7 billion people alive in the world today, 1.2 to 1.4 billion have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. According to Joshua  there are approximately 16,000 unique people groups in the world with about 6,600 of them considered unreached. The vast majority (95%) of these least reached groups exist in the 10/40 window and are oral people groups.


Open Invitation to prayer leaders & networks
With a heart for the completion of the Great Commission
We invite you to step in and LINK together for the sake of the unreached...


Connect on any of the weekly ION Prayer Calls
Each Thursday @ 2pm (Eastern)
Dial: (712) 432-0926
Access Code: 373000#


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select FREECONFERENCING.ORG and click the CALL Button.
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Contact: [email protected] 


Some of the Resources we recommend:

Joshua Project - Explore great resources   

Global Prayer Resource Network – info for prayer around the globe  

Student Volunteer Movement 2 – 21 Days of Global Harvest  

Operation World – Prayer resources  

PrayerCast – Videos for use with prayer 


Other Prayer Info:

Daniel Fast Info & Study