Advisory Board

Samuel Chiang
Senior Associate, Strategy
Samuel was born in Taiwan, grew up and worked in Canada (Ernst & Young), and graduated from Dallas Seminary where he also served on staff. He served with the church in China and has written extensively on China. He has also authored book chapters in diverse genres including innovation, orality, and persecution. Samuel serves as president and chief executive officer of Seed Company, a member of the Wycliffe family of organizations.
Formerly the executive director of the International Orality Network, Samuel is currently the Senior Associate- Orality for Lausanne, where he also serves on the Strategy Working Group. He and his wife, Robbi, have three adult children. Recently they have moved from Hong Kong to the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

Dr. Roy Peterson
Advisory Board
Roy Peterson was selected by the Board of Trustees to be the president & CEO of American Bible Society in early 2014. Â
Peterson spent a decade as the president & CEO of The Seed Company, a Bible translation ministry based in Texas. Before The Seed Company, Peterson held several leadership positions at Wycliffe Bible Translators. He served in Ecuador and Guatemala with Wycliffe’s sister organization, SIL International, in field administration and government relations. He went on to become president and CEO of Wycliffe USA.Â
Peterson is a graduate of Roger Williams University where he received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He earned a Master of Arts in Social Science/Leadership Studies from Azusa Pacific University. He completed the Executive Program for Non-Profit Leaders at Stanford University and has an honorary doctorate from Taylor University for his work in Bible translation.
Peterson and his wife, Rita, have four children and four grandchildren.

Paul Eshleman
Advisory Board
Paul became a Campus Crusade for Christ staff member in 1966. Since then he has served in many leadership roles within Campus Crusade. He directed EXPLO 72 in Dallas, an event that drew approximately 80,000 students from across America for training in sharing their faith in Jesus Christ. He also led the I Found It! campaign, which proclaimed the Christian message in more than 200 American cities.
In 1979 Paul began 26 years of service as the director of The JESUS Film Project®,a evangelistic ministry that uses a film based on the Gospel of Luke to convey the story of Jesus' life. Under Paul's direction, the film was translated into more than 850 languages and seen an estimated 5.6 billion times. During that time, more than 195 million people indicated decisions to follow Christ after seeing the film.
In 2004, Paul was appointed the vice president of coverage. In his new role, Paul provides strategy and counsel for ministries of Campus Crusade for Christ involved in mass evangelism. He co-ordinates a number of partnerships between Campus Crusade and other Christian organizations. He gives direction to the Finishing the Task Movement that is attempting to reach 639 people groups, representing 550 million people, that are not currently being touched by the Gospel. He also chairs the Strategy Working Group for the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. It is Paul's passion that everyone, everywhere hears the message of Christ.
"We are strategists for Christ thinking of new ways to reach people with the message of life," says Paul.
Paul is married to Kathy and they have two children, Jennifer and Jonathan.

Bauta Motty
Advisory Board
Bauta Motty resides in Jos, Nigeria and currently serves as Provost of the Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS), the largest theological institution in Africa. He earned his PhD in Intercultural Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary in 2005. He and his wife, Deborah, have four biological and two adopted children. Bauta has pastored many ECWA churches since 1976; and served as the General Secretary of the third largest evangelical church denomination in Nigeria – Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA). He is a one-time the Nigerian National Director of Voice for Humanity, and presently, as the Nigerian National Director of International Leadership Institute and International Orality Network - Nigeria. He has been a member of International Alumni Council of Asbury Theological Seminary since 2010 to date. He served as member of Kaduna State Commission of Inquiry in 2011.Â

Steve Douglass
Advisory Board
Steve Douglass is President of both Campus Crusade for Christ International, and Cru, as the ministry is known in the United States.
Douglass came to the ministry after graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Business School. Over more than four decades of service, he has held a variety of positions, including Executive Vice President and Director of U.S. Ministries. In July 2001, Douglass took over as the President of Campus Crusade for Christ International from founder Bill Bright.
He is the author or co-author of several books, including Managing Yourself, How to Achieve Your Potential and Enjoy Life, How to Get Better Grades and Have More Fun and Enjoying Your Walk with God. His radio program, Lighthouse Report, airs daily on 800 stations.
Along with his wife Judy, Steve Douglass resides in Orlando, Fla. They have three married children and seven grandchildren

Jerry Wiles
Senior Associate, Training
Jerry Wiles, President Emeritus of Living Water International, became involved with Orality in 1983 through the influence of Herbert Klem’s book, Oral Communication of the Scripture. He has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and international mission work and currently serves on the ION Advisory Council and stewards the Training Portfolio. He is an author and radio program producer and has been a frequent guest on radio and television talk shows and traveled extensively as a public speaker. Jerry is an Air Force veteran, a former pastor and university administrator. He and his wife, Sheila, have two grown children and six grandchildren.Â