India Update - Serampore College, September 2015

  • Posted on: 20 October 2015
  • By: admin

Dr. David Swarr recently visited Serampore College near Calcutta, India to explore potential collaborative initiatives between the college's theology department and ION. Serampore was established by William Carey, the Father of Modern Missionary Movement, along with Joshua Marshman and William Ward in 1818. Since then the College has gained worldwide reputation as a unique educational institution.

William Carey laid a foundation for orality by working among oral populations using oral methodologies in his lifetime. Building on that, Serampore is now launching degree programs that will include training in orality principles and practices. In the past month, Dr. Swarr met with the leadership of the leadership of the institution to discuss the possibility of hosting an ION Orality Consultation and Forum, and tentative dates have been set for January 2017. We are excited about this emerging collaboration. More will be announced soon!

Dr David Swarr with team at Serampore College | International Orality Network Dr David Swarr with Orality Materials at Serampore College | International Orality Network